8th Sem Questions Banks+ Notes VTU

8th Sem Questions + Notes VTU by Aryadrj

8th Sem Questions + Notes VTU by Aryadrj
8th Sem Questions + Notes VTU by Aryadrj

1. BDA(Big Data Analytics) Question Bank

Module 1

  1. Briefly explain HDFS Namenode Federation, NFS Gateway Snapshot. Checkpoint and Backups. (8 Marks)
  2. How does the Hadoop MapReduce Data flow work for a word count program? Give an example. (8 Marks)
  3. What do you understand by HDFS? Explain its component with a neat diagram? (10 Marks).
  4. Bring out the concepts of HDFS block replication with an examples.(6 marks)
  5. Write the features of HDFS design.
  6. Explain all the components of HDFS with diagram.
  7. Explain HDFS block replication.
  8. Explain HDFS safe mode and rack awareness.
  9. Explain namenode high availability design.
  10. Explain HDFS snapshots and HDFS NFS gateway.
  11. Write any five HDFS user commands
  12. Write all the steps to execute terasort basic hadoop benchmark.
  13. Explain mapreduce parallel data flow with neat diagram.
  14. Write a program using streaming interface to count the words of file.
  15. Write a java mapreduce program to count the words of file.

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Module 2

  1. Explain Apache Squoop Import and Export method with neat diagrams. (10 marks)
  2. Explain with a neat diagram, the Apache Oozie workflow for hadoop architecture. (6 marks)
  3. How do you run Mapreduce and Message Passing Interface (MPI) on YARN architecture. Discuss (10 marks).
  4. What do you understand by YARN Distributed Shell? (6 Marks).
  5. Explain Apache pig with latin script commands.
  6. Explain Apache hive with minimum 5 of hive query language commands.
  7. Explain Apache sqoop import and export methods with neat diagram.
  8. Explain how to import data from local file system to HDFS using sqoop commands.
  9. Explain Apache flume to acquire real data streams with diagrams
  10. Explain managing hadoop workflows with Apache oozie.
  11. Explain Apache Hbase with example commands.
  12. Explain distributed shell with commands.
  13. Explain structure of YARN applications
  14. Explain YARN application framework.
  15. Explain Apache spark and Apache REEF
  16. Write a short note on Apache Ambari.
  17. Explain the setting of container memory and container cores.

Module 3

  1. Write any four Business Intelligence Application for various sectors. (8 Marks)
  2. Explain the star schema design Data Warehousing with an example. (6 marks)
  3. What is Confusion Matrix? (2 Marks)
  4. Explain CRISP-DM cycle with a neat diagram. (8 Marks)
  5. What do you understand by the term Data visualization? How is it important in Big data analytics? (5 Marks)
  6. Differentiate between Data Mining and Data Warehousing. (3 Marks)
  7. Explain BIDM cycle with diagram.
  8. Explain BI types and tools.
  9. Explain the applications of BI in CRM and healthcare and wellness.
  10. Define data warehouse and write the design considerations for DW.
  11. Explain DW architecture with DW development approaches
  12. Define data mining and explain gathering and selecting data.
  13. Explain data cleansing and preparation.
  14. Explain evaluating data mining results.
  15. Explain 5 important data mining techniques.
  16. Define data visualization and explain the types of charts

Module 4

  1. What is a splitting variable? Describe three criteria for choosing a splitting variable. (4 Marks)
  2. List some of the advantages and disadvantages of regression model. (4 Marks).
  3.  Define decision tree and write the algorithm to construct it.
  4. Create the decision trees with data set given below.
    Outlook Temp Humidity Windy Play
    Sunny Hot High False No
    Sunny Hot High True No
    Overcast Hot High False Yes
    Rainy Mild High False Yes
    Rainy Cool Normal False Yes
    Rainy Cool Normal True NO
    Overcast Cool Normal True Yes
    Sunny Mild High False No
    Sunny Cool Normal False Yes
    Rainy Mild Normal False Yes
    Sunny Mild Normal True Yes
    Overcast Mild High True Yes
    Overcast Hot Normal False Yes
    Rainy Mild High True No
  5. Explain simple and non linear regression with graphs.
  6. Explain logistic regression.
  7. Define ANN and explain the design principles of an artificial neural networks.
  8. Define cluster analysis and explain K-means for clustering with algorithm.
  9. Explain association rule mining with business applications.
  10. Explain representing association rules.
  11. Using Apriori algorithm create the association rules with following data Set.
    Transaction List
    1 Milk Egg Bread Butter
    2 Milk Butter Egg Ketchup
    3 Bread Butter Ketchup
    4 Milk Bread Butter
    5 Bread Butter Cookies
    6 Milk Bread Butter Cookies
    7 Milk Cookies
    8 Milk Bread Butter
    9 Bread Butter Egg Cookies
    10 Milk Butter Bread
    11 Milk Bread Butter
    12 Milk Bread Cookies Ketchup

Module 5

  1. What is Naive Bayes Technique? Explain its model. (5 Marks)
  2. What is a support vector machine? Explain its model. (8 Marks)
  3. Mention the 3-step process of Text Mining. (3 Marks)

2. IOT-Internet of Things Question Bank

Module 1

1. Define IOT. Explain evolution phase of IOT
2. What is IOT digitalization also explain its impact.
3. List Drives of IOT.
4. Explain Architecture of IOT Network with its comparison.
5. Difference Between IT and IOT also list the challenges of IOT.
6. With neat diagram explain simplified IOT Architecture.
7. Explain Concept of IOT data management with diagram.
8. What is the role of things and internet in IoT? 2 M
9. What is IoT? Explain components in IoT. 5 M
10. What are the differences between machines in M2M and Things in IoT?4M
11. Explain evolutionary phases of the internet. 4 M
12. Illustrate the challenges of IoT and their impact, with any 1 example. 5 M
13. Compare IT and OT networks with their challenges. 8 M
14. List and explain the challenges and problems that IoT is currently facing. 5 M
15. Explain oneM2M IoT Standardized Architecture with a neat diagram. 10 M
16. Explain the IoT architectural drivers. 5 M
17. With a neat diagram explain the IoTWF standardized architecture. 8 M
11. Explain in detail the expanded simplified IoT architecture. 8 M
12. Explain in detail the communication network layer. Illustrate the various access technologies with respect to distances. 5 M
13. Explain the 2 types of gateway and backhaul sublayers. 5 M
14. With a neat diagram explain the fog computing model along with its defining characteristics. 6M
15. a. What is edge computing? Explain with example. 5 M
b. Illustrate the hierarchy of edge, fog and cloud with a neat diagram. 5 M

Module 2 

1. Explain the various network topologies with examples. 8 M
2. Explain the classification of smart objects with examples. 5 M
3. What is IEEE 802.15.4 protocol? How is it related to IoT? 4 M
4. Classify different types of sensors with examples. 7 M
5. a. list all the sensors used in a smart phone. 2 M
6. What is an actuator? Explain how sensors and actuators interact with the physical world. 5 M
7. Classify the actuator, with examples. 3 M
8. With a neat diagram, explain the characteristics of smart objects. List the trends in smartobjects. 8 M
9. What are SANETs? List its advantages. 5 M
10. List and explain different communication criterias in IoT. 8 M
11. Explain LoRaWAN layers and its architecture. 10 M

Module 3 

1. List the advantages of Internet Protocol. 5 M
2. Explain with example MQTT Protocol. What is role of MQTT protocol in IoT? 8 M
3. Write a note on: CoAP, REST, and XMPP.
4. What are the differences between adaptation and adoption of the Internet Protocol? 5 M
5. Why optimization is necessary for Internet Protocol. 8 M
6. What are the differences between IPv4 and IPv6 in an IoT? 5 M
7. Write a note on: 6LoWPAN, 6TiSCH, RPL.
8. Explain authentication and encryption on constrained nodes. 4 M
9. Explain IoT application protocol and their transport methods. 10 M
10. List the categories of IoT application protocols and their transport methods. 4 M
11. Explain the problem and solution if application layer protocol layer not present. 4 M
12. Explain adapting SCADA for IP with DNP3 as a representative use case. 5 M
13. Explain raw socket scenarios for tunneling legacy SCADA over IP networks. 10 M
14. List the categories of IoT application protocols and their transport methods. 4 M
15. Explain the problem and solution if application layer protocol layer not present. 4 M
16. Explain adapting SCADA for IP with DNP3 as a representative use case. 5 M
17. Explain raw socket scenarios for tunneling legacy SCADA over IP networks. 10 M
18. Write a short note on profiles and compliances for IoT constrained nodes and networks. 10 M

Module 4

1. What is IoT data analytics and their challenges? 8 M
2. What are the common applications of machine learning of IoT. 4 M
3. Explain Big data analytics tools. 10 M
4. Comparison between Big Data, Edge Analytics and Network Analytics. 10 M
5. Explain Edge Analytics core functions. 5 M
6. What are the common challenges in OT security? 8 M
7. Explain the Purdue Model for Control Hierarchy. 6 M
8. Compare the nature of how traffic flows across IT and OT networks. 4 M
9. Explain Formal Risk Analysis Structures. 10 M
10. Explain security between Levels and Zones in the Process Control Hierarchy Model. 5 M

Module 5

1. How Arduino Uno is different from the other available microcontrollers? 5 M
2. What is Arduino Uno? Does the Arduino supports networking? 5 M
3. How is programming an Arduino different than standard C? 5 M
4. Explain with an example, a basic structure of Arduino programming. 5 M
5. Explain with an example the following methods: (Each one mark)
a. pinMode(pin,mode)
b. digitalRead(pin)
c. digitalWrite(pin,High)
d. analogRead(pin)
e. analogWrite(pin,value)
f. delay(ms)
g. millis()
h. min(x,y)
i. max(x,y)
j. randomseed(value)
k. random(min,max)
l. serial.begin(rate)
m. serial.println(data)
6. Write a note on DS18B20 temperature sensor. 5 M
7. Explain with a neat sketch, the following use cases:
8. Street lighting architecture 7 M
9. Smart parking 7 M
10. Smart traffic control 7 M
11. With a neat diagram, explain a four layered architecture of a smart city IoT Infrastructure. 10 M
12. Differentiate between Analog, Digital and PWM pins. 5 M
13. What is a raspberry pi? What OS does raspberry pi use? 2 M
14. How to configure OS setup on raspberry pi. 5 M
15. Explain Raspberry pi2 model B and its General Purpose I/O (GPIO) 10 M
16. Explain general commands for raspberry pi. 

3. UID Question Bank

Module 5

  1. Explain general guidelines for layout windows and pages
  2. Explain border guidelines in window organization and layout.
  3. What is the scope of testing and importance of usability testing
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of hand sketches.
  5. Explain heuristic evaluation.
  6. Explain test plan.
  7. List usability test guidelines
  8. Write a note on hypermedia
  9. What is visualization?. Explain knowledge visualization and techniques
  10. Explain any two software testing tools.

4. SMS Question Bank

Chapter 1: Introduction,Requirements engineering.

  1. When Simulation is the appropriate tool?
  2. When Simulation is not appropriate tool?
  3. What are advantages And Disadvantages of Simulation?
  4. How can we offset the disadvantages of Simulation?
  5. List the application areas/Industry domains of Simulation?
  6. List 5 typical applications each in manufacturing and transportation systems?
  7. List 5 typical applications each in business process simulation & logistics, supply chain and distribution?
  8. What is System and System Environment?
  9. Explain the terms: (a) entity (b) attribute (c) activity (d) event & (e) state in the system simulation context?
  10. Explain and give an example each of continuous and discrete system?
  11. What is Model and Component of the system?
  12. Explain Discrete-event System simulation and Steps in a Simulation Study?
  13. Name several entities, attributes, activities, events & state variables of a typical automatic teller machine(ATM)?

Chapter 2: General principles and simulation software.

  1. Explain the concept of Discrete-Event Simulation.
  2. Explain in detail event scheduling/time advance algorithm.
  3. Describe with examples the various world views.
  4. Prepare a simulation table for a single channel queue system until clock reaches time 20. The stopping event will at time 30. Inter-arrival times 4 5 2 8 3 6 Service 3 5 4 6 1 5.
  5. Explain manual simulation using event scheduling with the help of a suitable example.
  6. Provide the Detailed flow chart of a typical arrival event and a departure event in a single channel queuing system.
  7. What is list processing? Explain.

Chapter 5: Random-Number Generation

  1. Explain the properties of random number & its consequences.
  2. Explain the generation of Pseudo-random Numbers.
  3. Explain the linear congruential method for random number generation? 
  4. Explain the combined linear congruential random number generation method? 
  5. What is the role of maximum density and maximum period in random number generation? 
  6. Generate a sequence of 15 random numbers for which seed is 342, constant multiplier is 20, increment is 45 and modulus is 30. 
  7. Explain with an example the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for random numbers. 
  8. Explain with an example the chi-square test for random numbers? 
  9. Explain autocorrelation Test for random numbers.
  10. Using the principles learnt, develop your own combined linear congruential random number generator.

Chapter 6: Input modeling

  1. State the four steps involved in the development of an input model?
  2. Explain data collection with example.
  3. Explain identifying the distribution with data with example
  4. Explain parameter estimation with examples.
  5. Explain goodness of fit tests with examples.
  6. How can you select input model with out data? Explain with example,
  7. Define co variance & correlation?
  8. Explain AR-1 model?
  9. Explain EAR1 model?

Chapter 7: Output analysis for a single model.

  1. What are the types of simulations with respect to output analysis?
  2. Explain stochastic nature of output data with example,
  3. Explain measure of performance and their estimation.
  4. Explain output analysis of terminating simulations with examples.
  5. With illustrative examples explain output analysis of steady-state simulations,
  6. Explain how probabilities and quantiles can be estimated from summary data?
  7. Describe initialization bias in steady state simulation.
  8. Explain batch means for interval estimation in steady state simulation
    1. Verification and Validation
    2. Verification of Simulation Models
    3. Calibration and Validation of Models
  9. How model can be build verification and validate? Explain with diagram.
  10. What are the techniques for verification of simulation model?
  11. Describe in detail the three step approach for model validation?
  12. What is model reasonable ness & explain how current contents and total count can verify it?
  13. Briefly explain the validation of input-output transformations of the model and the various techniques used?

4. Capsule/Notes

**Thanks for Reading**

8th sem vtu notes 8th question vtu , IOT questions vtu 2019 , 8th sem important question for computer science ,i question vtu 2019


  1. Thanks for uploading the importing question
    can u please upload for Big data?

  2. Can u please upload sms according to modules and the problems also
    Plus ur content is so good Thanks for preparing these notes for us

  3. Please provide Uid important questions

  4. The IOT notes is not getting opened...any solution?


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