Web technology mini project 7th semester

Web Technology Project

Web Technology projects vtu

Project Topic That you can select:

  1. Bengaluru City Bank.
  2. Olaa car booking.
  3. Attendance management system.
  4. Online Aptitude test.
  5. My Webkart.
  6. Health care.
  7. Tomato food hub.
  8. And many More...!!
    (Contact me and give the project name
    I will make it ready)

Project Details

  • Mini project belong to part B which carry 40 or 60 marks depends on new sceme.
  • Develop a web application project using the languages and concepts learnt in the theory and exercises listed in part A with a good look and feel effects. You can use any web technologies and frameworks and databases.

If you want me to do the project then,Cost of the project will be :

Web Technology Project with installation steps + PPT + Code explanation.

 Rs. 650

For any queries, you can contact us:

Contact Details : 

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You can fill this form (Get reply in within 1hr):  

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Project Demo

***THE END***


  1. Web technology project with installation steps+report+code explaination

  2. i need the projecct to be done compelty

    1. Can you please email me or fill the form so that I can help you?

  3. Can you give the project for free

  4. Yes you can get,depends on requirements. send me project name to my email id.


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