Data structure Questions bank in python

Data structure Question bank in python

  1. What is data structure?
  2. Why should we use data structure?
  3. What is difference array and list?
  4. What are the fundamental of data structure?
  5. Explain list.
  6. Advantage of list.
  7. Why we are using lists in data structure?
  8. What is linked list?
  9. Why to use linked list?
  10. Where we can use linked list?
  11. Explain linked list with diagram.
  12. How to traverse the linked list in python?
  13. How to append the elements to the linked list in python?
  14. How to insert the elements into the linked list in python?
  15. How to remove the elements from the linked list in python?
  16. How to replace the elements in the linked list in python?
  17. How to search the element location in the linked list in python?
  18. How to find the size of linked list?
  19. Write a python program to create a linked list and perform operations on the list.
  20. What is stack?
  21. What is peep operation ?
  22. Write a python program to perform push,pop,peep,search operations on stack using stack class and also write code to check that stack is empty or not.
  23. Explain Queue with some real-time example.
  24. Write a python program to perform add,delete and search operations on queue using queue class and also write code to check that queue is empty or not.
  25. What is Deques?
  26. Write a python program  to add element at the front,deleting element at the front,add element at the rear,deleting element at the rear,deleting element at any place,searching for an element and reversing in the deque.

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