How to run PL/SQL Code With Command Line?

How to run PL/SQL Code With Run SQL Command Line?

So What is PL/SQL?

  • PL/SQL is Oracle Corporation's procedural extension for SQL and the Oracle relational database.
  • PL/SQL is available in Oracle Database, Times Ten in-memory database, and IBM DB 2. 
  • In Simple Word
    • PL/SQL means instructing the compiler 'what to do' through SQL and 'how to do' through its procedural way. 

Follow these steps to run the code of PL/SQL with SQL command Line.

Step 1:

Type this in command prompt:

connect sys as sysdba

Enter password: wb


Step 2:

We need to type and execute "set serveroutput on" if  to see the output of the program.

Step 3:

Type this Sample Code:

set serveroutput on


dbms_output.put_line ('Hello World..');



Step 4:

You will get output:

Hello World


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