Online Tender Management System Using Python

Online Tender Management System Using Python Aim of Tender Management System: The activity will happen through the software which will be a web-based system. The user can get the available tender by accessing through the system. At the time of registration, they will provide with a user Id and password after that customer can know the details of the tenders. This system also provide the security like it will not allow any other members to access the same details. Software Requirement for Tender Management System: Operating System Windows 8 or above Tools used Microsoft visual code or Sublime or IDLE or Pycharm Programming languages Python Front end design HTML,CSS,JS Back-end design Python Contact me if you have any questions or need a project Email FB messenger aryadrj Whatsapp +917892657546 Phone Number +917892657546 Or you can fill the form (To get instant help) Click here to fill the form Want to know about me? Click here to open